dot net developer


Tradus Wealth Builder wanted to build a site with an application having four parts, (Marketing, Customer, Representative and Partners), with unique features and functionality for each.
User: Developing an User interface were user can register and login to view customize information provided by the admin, such as assigned resources, programs, etc.


• SQL 2005


Tardus is the creation of a number of individuals and today is run by Tanisha Souza, who is credited with evolving Tardus to its current form. Tardus’s mandate is to teach home and business owners how to build and maintain real wealth. The strategy known as the Tardus system is the best way for ordinary people to build an asset base and create wealth. This application has four parts. Marketing, Customer, Representatives, Partners. Marketing site provides all about Tardus Financial, US also allows customers to access some free features and registration. In Customer site User can see his profile, his personal financial status, use calculators, get messages from Tardus Admin and see financial reports. Representative site refers to Tardus Representatives who assign new customers to different Partners, who registered through marketing site. The application aims at implementation of Financial Calculators. Calculators perform calculations on Mortgage calculations, Retirement Investment and Income vs. Saving Calculations, Net worth Calculations, and Wants to be millionaire? Etc. Give the plan of various futures and savings.


• Business Site Development
• Web 2.0 Development