Critical Infrastructure and Assurance

Date :- Monday, 26th September 2022

Time :- 06:30 PM – 07:30 PM (IST)

Speaker :- Shirish Pise(SR Manager IT)

Critical Infrastructure and Assurance

About Webinar :

The webinar is conducted by Shirish Pise(SR Manager IT)

Join and register for the webinar on 26th September 2022, from 6:30 pm-7:30 pm on LTS Accelerator Program 2022.

Critical Infrastructure and Assurance. In today’s cyber threat landscape, attackers are drawn to organizations operating in critical infrastructures (CI) sectors such as oil and gas, financial services, telecommunications, mass transit, and public health. For example, an attacker can gain backdoor access to a secure network by gaining direct access from an insider (current or former employee) associated with the targeted organization.

 By compromising organizations within critical infrastructure sectors, attackers such as ransomware groups are promised large ransom payments based on the impact of their exploits. Additionally, an attacker could remotely access, execute commands, and control a targeted system, causing significant disruption to critical processes. Otherwise, it could benefit ordinary people and the government as a whole. Therefore, cyber-attacks on critical infrastructure can lead to business disruptions or complete system outages. Traditionally, CI control systems have been disconnected from the open internet. They were deployed in air-gapped networks and featured stringent physical security. However, with the arrival of the Internet of Things (IoT), this dynamic has been replaced. Not only does it help reduce operating costs and human resources, but it also allows remote access and control of the system. Securing critical infrastructure presents many challenges, from the side effects of digital transformation to securing complex, interconnected supply chain networks. Therefore, security teams must consider all these aspects to prepare and develop a robust critical infrastructure protection program. Sign in for the webinar as LTS helps agencies and people protect their structures and statistics from unauthorized access.

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