Client Name: Heropay
Project Name: Fee Calculation and Payment System

Payments Made Easy for Merchants and Users with Processing Fee Comparing Application

Business Situation

With the online platform strengthening every single day, we see more eCommerce businesses emerging. With millions of merchants delivering expertise, products and services, the use of credit cards for payment is very common. Not only does it ensure quick payment, but also speedy deposits for merchants.

While this makes shopping convenient and provides an endless array of options, paying a reasonable amount can sometimes be a tedious job.  A solution that could compare the processing fees over different platforms was needed so users could pay the least amount. Our client approached us to build a web application that would not just serve as a dealing platform but would also as a networking platform for merchants and credit card providers. With an extensive requirement list, our client wanted comprehensive set of solutions; performing complicated calculations, resolving payment and services related queries, EVM migration, filtering Credit card providers based on ratings and social media integration.


• Python (Backend)
• Django (Framework)
• Angular JS,HTML, CSS (Frontend)
• L (For database)


LTS’s expert development team built a web application covering all client requirements. Apart from being endowed with the obvious features, we incorporated important features; Calculator for completing complicated calculations with real time data, integration of eCommerce gateways, EVM acceptance, and a filter module that lets users select the appropriate credit card provider. While the core functioning lets easy fee comparison of card processing rates, HeroPay makes tasks extremely convenient for merchants as well as users.

To know more write to us at enquiry@leotechnosoft.net