

The vision is to standardize how practitioners of Health Science Profession (Orthotics and prosthetics) are doing their evaluations to ensure that they are always meeting the requirements set by Medicare and other insurance providers.  This module will create a linear process that will walk the practitioner from start to finish through any evaluation.  Each evaluation will be based on the prescription linked to the scheduled appointment and the type of appointment scheduled

Use Case 1 : New Patient Visits Health Science centre (Orthotics and prosthetics)

Brief Description :

  • Digital Automation of New Patient visiting Health Science centre (Orthotics and prosthetics)
  • Receptionist generates Digital Automation of the New patient into the system if the record is not present.

Use Case 2 : Existing Patient Visits Health Science centre (Orthotics and prosthetics) with Prescription.

Brief Description :

  • Digital Automation of Past Patient who has visited the Health Science centre (Orthotics and prosthetics) for further treatment.
  • Receptionist generates Digital Automation of the existing patient into the system if the record is not present.

Use Case 3 : Digital Automation of Patient who has been admitted in the Health Science centre (Orthotics and prosthetics) in case of Emergency.

Brief Description :

  • Digital Automation of Patient who has been admitted to the Health Science centre (Orthotics and prosthetics) in Case of Emergency.
  • Receptionist generates Digital Automation of the patient admitted in Emergency into the record which is not present.

The Appointment Date is generated to the Patients after their profiles are Digitally Automated. The Practitioner attends the patients as per the appointment duly assigned in either of the cases, be it New Patient, Existing Patient or the Patient admitted in case of Emergency.

How Does it Work?

The process of evaluating the Patient starts when the patient visits the Health Science centre  (Orthotics and prosthetics), the Practitioner analysis goes into various stages:

  • Patient visits to the Health Science centre (Orthotics and prosthetics)
  • Receptionist generates Digital Automation of patients data after the patient is examined based on the series of the questionnaire from Digital analysis form.
  • Based on the AI, the digital analysis evaluation report would assist the Health Science centre to build inventory methods.
  • The work order and the report would be further sent to the Insurance company, Finance, and Industry.

About LTS 

Set up in 2006, LTS is an incubator for IT start-ups/Entrepreneurs to help cultivate their ideas into successful innovations using its unique trademarked model – BOMT (BUILD-OPERATE-MARKET-TRANSFORM).

We are a global solution provider in Product Engineering, I.T Services, Cloud Computing, Mobile Application Development and Infrastructure Support with expertise in latest technology platforms. As a technology partner, we specialize in building, serving, managing and extending technology on Cloud and SaaS environment.

About BOMT 

BOMT(Build, Operate, Market, and Transform) model, It is an innovative hybrid partner product development that offers a low-risk, hassle-free, cost-effective global sourcing strategy. BOMT works exceptionally well with StartUps, Entrepreneurs, and ISVs. It ensures incubation, development, Gestation and transformation support to increase revenue and maximize ROI in short span of time


  • .NET
  • Angular JS
  • SQL

Team Size

4 people

